Stress Assignment Objectives

Directions:  For each assignment, identify which of the following objectives is the assignment's goal. (CHOOSE NO MORE THAN TWO) Write out the entire objective as illustrated below the list. DO NOT just write the number of the objective.  The assignment will never include all objectives.

"Noone is resistant to stress. Each has a breaking point; each is vulnerable under the right conditions." (Donald Meichenbaum)


The following are possible objectives to the assignment you are working on:
1. Understand your personal stressors and coping strategies
2. Plan for obstacles to practicing stress management
3. Understand the stress process  
4. Evaluate stress authorities for authenticity
5. Gain information on stress management techniques
6. Design your stress management program using appropriate techniques
7. Practice your stress management program
8. Evaluate your stress management program
9. Predict future stressors in your chosen field/work or in occupations in general.