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Information Concerning Blackboard 

Blackboard (Bb) is the computer software used by the University of Cincinnati to host course websites.  This course will make use of Blackboard extensively. As a result, you need to familiarize yourself with Bb as quickly as possible.

Setting Up an E-Mail Account

When using Blackboard, you must have an e-mail account.  You may use a personal account you already have, however, I strongly urge you to open a Bearcat Online email account. To do so, go to  and click on "account activation."

Setting Up a Blackboard Account

If you do not have a Blackboard account, you must first activate your account. To do so, follow these steps:

Need help with Blackboard?   Call the Blackboard Helpline at 513-556-1602.

1. Blackboard bars 

Announcements are updated frequently on the first page of the course in Blackboard.

List below are some common bars located on the left side of the screen. Clicking the bars will reveal the following information:

1. Course Information: Assignment Submission & Late Penalty /  FYI: Grades, Assignments, Contact Requirement, Blackboard, etc. /  Course Overview /  Class Schedule/ Calendar (with Grade Scale)  /  Syllabus / Assignments Checklist /  Dr. G.'s Pet Peeves /  Email Directions / etc.

2. Staff Information: Dr. G.'s email address, office hours, etc.

3. Course Documents:  Readings & Resources / Library Usage Directions /  Course Organization / etc.

4. Assignments: AA (Assignment Assistance) -- Every assignment will have something that you might not know how to do (e.g. APA Bibliography format, etc.).  Look here first before getting excited.   All assignments will be listed in order--just click the links to see the description of the assignment.

5. Books :  Books for Dr. G.'s courses-- listed and pictured

6. Discussion Board:  Used to submit to Discussion Board.

7. User Tools: Personal Information (used to add or update email address) /  Check Grades (Grades will be posted here.  Do NOT go by the percentage, just raw scores.) /  Manual  (How to use Blackboard)

8. Resources:  Find articles & research on given subjects.

Blocked from Blackboard

1. Dr. G. may block you from Blackboard in some instances.  The following are the most common:

a. No contact with Dr. G. regularly and/or for a long period of time.  

b. No response to any of Dr. G's emails that are sent directly to you as an individual and request a response from you.  You can tell if the email is sent only to you by the "Subject" line.  All "Subject" boxes will have the section number or class meeting time, the date, and the subject (e.g. 707 (2/3 ASC1 ).  If the message is sent only to you, it will have "707 (2/3 Bill S.)" in the Subject box.

Rarely, U.C.'s servers will be down and you will not have access to Blackboard. If this happens, try later to access it.

Testing on Blackboard

All testing will be done online through Blackboard.  You must take the test all in one sitting which is why a Study Sheet is provided for all tests.  

ONLINE section ONLY: You do not have to submit the Study Sheet to Dr. G., but it is handy to look up the questions before the test so that you can complete the test quickly.  If you are disconnected from Blackboard during a test, email me immediately with the time and date that you were disconnected.  I receive updates of Blackboard problems from the System Administrator and sometimes can reset your test for you. 

3. Test Password:  You must use a password to access each test.

ONLINE section ONLY: You will be sent the password by email about two days before the testing. There will be a different password for each test. 

IN-CLASS sections ONLY:  Since all tests are taken during the scheduled test period in class you will be given the password in class for each test.

Inaccessible Areas in Blackboard

Assignments may become or are inaccessible in Blackboard. In these cases, you will not see the link to that specific assignment under the "Assignments" bar.

Possible reasons for inaccessibility include:

a. Dr. G. is upgrading or revising directions for the specific assignment. If this is true, try the link later.

b. It is past the time to submit an assignment.  On some assignments, once you are more than 2 assignments behind the class, these assignments cannot be made up and the access to these assignments will be removed or "hidden." 

c. Dr. G. has yet to activate future assignments/a future assignment.  At the beginning of the quarter, Dr. G. may activate only about three weeks worth of assignments at a time.  As individuals in the class complete the assignments, future assignments will be revealed or the links will be activated.