Attendance/Contact Policy

Attendance in this class is as important as it would be if you were attending on campus. You should be logging in to Blackboard at least 6 days out of every week. You must contact Dr. G. once a week by either submitting an assignment OR directly by email. Failure turn in assignments or contact Dr. G. by email will result in a "W" (withdrawal) if a withdrawal slip is signed before the deadline or an "F" if after the deadline or if no withdrawal slip at all, regardless of reason. 

REPEATED "Noncontact":  There are times when Dr. G. will request a reply to his email from individuals.  This may be occasioned by late work, revision of an assignment, lack of contact with him, etc..  In these cases you will be asked to reply, turn in an assignment, etc. by a certain date.  If no reply is forthcoming from you on that certain date, the Assistant Academic Director of the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) will withdraw you automatically.  THIS IS NOT DONE ROUTINELY, but in some past cases, became necessary.  You will be given ample warning through email.

Note that technical difficulties do not excuse the student from the responsibility of participation and other assigned work!  You are responsible for maintaining your access to the internet and email.  Points will be deducted on a daily basis for not setting up a usable email account and maintaining it.