Final Course Grade

  • Assignments**:  Written work that is submitted via email (or dropbox, if directed). You MUST do all sections of SMP IN ORDER.

  • Discussion Boards (DB): Posted in the Discussion Board. NONE ACCEPTED LATE.

You must complete ALL of the tests and all parts of the Stress Management Program sections (SMP) and all other Assignments and Tests (EXCLUDING DBs) to be eligible to receive an "A," "B,"  REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF POINTS EARNED.  You must complete ALL SMP sections and remaining work with at least a 60% average to PASS the course. All work must be completed by Monday of WEEK 9 at the required time or the grade will be calculated on the basis of the points earned up to that time. No "IP"s (incompletes) are generally given.

**Assignments include:  ASC, SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, Course Evaluation

9th Week: No more than one (1) LATE REQUIRED Assignment OR one (1) LATE CHOICE Assignment per student may be submitted by 6:00PM of the 3rd day (generally Mon.) after the last work is due. NONE ACCEPTED LATER.

**Assignments include:  ASC, SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, Course Evaluation

In other words, you must have for the given grade level:

"A" (90 -- 100% of total points) = REGARDLESS OF POINT TOTAL, MUST HAVE all parts of the SMP, ASC, Course Evaluation, and all Tests.  A "C" will be awarded if missing any of the above.

"B" (80 -- 89% of total points)= REGARDLESS OF POINT TOTAL, MUST HAVE all parts of the SMP, ASC, Course Evaluation, and all Tests.  A "C" will be awarded if missing any of the above.

"C" (70 -- 79% of total points  from all assignments, tests and DBs)= All parts of the SMP

"D" (60 -- 69% of total points from all assignments, tests, and DBs) = All parts of the SMP

9th Week: No more than one (1) LATE REQUIRED Assignment OR one (1) LATE CHOICE Assignment per student may be submitted by 6:00PM of the 3rd day (generally Mon.) after the last work is due. NONE ACCEPTED LATER.

Final Grade Scale:

300-274=A;  273-270=A-  ;  269-264=B+ ; 263-244=B  ;  243-240=B- ;   239-234=C+ ; 233-214=C ; 213-210=C-  ;  209204=D+ ; 203-184=D  ; 183-180=D-  ;  Below 180 = F

**At U.C., Graduate students receive only "A," "B," "C," or "F" grades. This means you must have at least 70% of total points to pass the course.