Wellness International Network's Stress Inventory


Not at all like me...Moderately like me...Just like me


1. I believe that I have too much stress. [Type numbers (1 to 7) in the boxes to the right.]
2. I worry about people or worry about things.
3. I have a fear that interferes or holds me back. You might relate the fear to activities such as asserting yourself, calling or meeting with present or prospective customers/clients, being rejected, handling objections, dealing with criticism, driving or maybe flying.
4. I believe that one or more of my relationships at work or elsewhere suffers because of my fear, irritability or sadness.
5. I doubt that I'm as successful in my work, or at home, as I should be.
6. The way I eat and drink is nutritionally poor, or I eat too much fattening food.
7. I have a physical problem that I suspect, or someone tells me, comes from pressures in my life. The problem could be headaches, stomach upsets, back or neck pain, difficulty sleeping, teeth grinding, bitten finger nails, excessive sweating, too much body fat, decreased romantic interest, skin problems or cold hands. Please note that factors, other than stress, can cause some of these physical concerns. If you haven't already, you might want to check with your physician.
8. Most days, there are too many tasks that I should complete.
9. I use something to calm or relax me. Or I use something to pep me up or to give me energy/excitement. You might, for example, use nicotine, caffeine, a medicine, a dietary supplement, alcohol, a forbidden drug, gambling, extramarital relationships or maybe "too much" watching television.
10. I exercise--not activity done at work, yard or house work--too little, or the exercise I do doesn't help enough.

Please add your numbers. Type your Obvious Stress Score here:

What your "Obvious Stress Score" means:

Note: Please, for adults only. We created, used and refined this lifestyle risk assessment with hundreds of adults. So, it does not apply to children. We offer this inventory for educational purposes. No lifestyle health risk assessment tells absolute facts. Such tests suggest possibilities to consider. When the results make sense to you and are helpful, then use that to your benefit. Avoid making significant changes in your work or relationships based on the results. Instead, use what you learn combined with appropriate professional support.

Obvious stress is harmful enough. Hidden Stress is worse. It can be difficult to get yourself to work on what, understandably, you don't realize is there. If you scored 39 or less and suspect that you have more stress than that shows, click here to see if you might have some Hidden Stress.

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The WIN, Inc. Stress Self-test offers these benefits:


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Identifying Hidden Stress. If you got an "Obvious Stress Score" of 39 or less, you still might have some "Hidden Stress." Three key items can tell you if you have this concealed, and particularly menacing, strain. See below.

  1. Worry (Stress Self-test item # 2)
  2. hurtful eating (# 6)
  3. using "home remedy" or prescribed "painkillers" (# 9) are common ways to unwittingly avoid an awareness of mental stress.

Type your "Obvious Stress Score" here:

If you scored 39 or less and still rated yourself with a 5 or higher on item two, six or nine, then add seven points to your "Obvious Stress Score" for each statement. That means, for example, if your "Obvious Stress Score" totaled 37 and you rated yourself with a 5 on statement number 2 and item 9, then add 14 (two statements times seven) to your 37 for a new total of 51.

Did you respond to any of the 10 items by rating yourself with a number one? If so, add three points to your score for each. (It infrequently happens that there is a total absence of something. So, it's appropriate to consider such a response to be an unknown attempt to ignore stress.) For instance, if you answered two of the statements with a number one, you would add another 6 points to the 51 (example, above paragraph) for an Adjusted Score of 57. The difference between the 37 started with and 57 represents Hidden Stress.

If needed, put your Adjusted Score (Hidden Stress) here: